Our Approach

Growing up, we've witnessed the stark contrast between individuals who have had doors opened for them and those who have faced insurmountable obstacles. Some have been blessed with supportive families and communities that have propelled them towards sufficiency, while others have experienced brokenness, trauma, and a lack of resources that hinder their progress. Facing these circumstance are not monolith to only those that have low income either. Lack of sustainability knows no demographic and does not discriminate to just one group.

We understand the importance of stepping in to fill these voids. Our mission is rooted in the biblical principle of Tzedaka, which embodies justice, solidarity, and restoring dignity to our fellow human beings. Just as Jesus exemplified in the parable of the wandering sheep, leaving the 99 to seek out the one in need, we are called to extend our hearts and hands to those who may feel lost or forgotten in our communities.

We are committed to seeking out individuals throughout our local communities who have been overlooked or marginalized, and connecting them with the support and resources they need to thrive. Whether it's providing mentorship, access to education and employment opportunities, or simply offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on, we strive to be a beacon of hope and encouragement to those who need it most. By working with local community organizations and networks of churches we will lead individuals toward sustainability one person at a time.

Join us on this journey. Together, we can build a more inclusive and compassionate society where everyone has the chance to chase their dreams and live with dignity.

Stability Guide Model

The Stability Guide model actively uses a high-touch, holistic approach to assess and address the needs of individuals facing multiple barriers. Guides are trained and equipped to overcome challenges and advocate for sustainable stability in five key focus areas. Impact Centers will strategically identify community locations and partner with a network of churches to launch resources that directly serve local neighborhoods.

  • Services to assist with financial security and connection to local workforce development training services. Assisting individuals to purse family living wages and have the money managing practices to impact generational sustainability.

  • Services to assist with Healthcare and mental health support and awareness, conflict resolution, heath living habits, services focused on building fathers and supports for single mothers.

  • Services to assist with access to legal consulting and guidance for family, housing, civil, custody, etc.

  • Connection to services to assist with immediate needs such as utilities, food and energy.

  • Services to assist with connecting to the local community and church for support and increased social equity and community involvement.

Founded in Biblical Principles

The Stability service model is founded on biblical principles and centers on a human-centered approach rooted in empathy. It provides holistic support based on individual needs rather than program eligibility criteria. Advocacy, a core element of the model, actively removes barriers to accessing services by leveraging system knowledge.

01. Tzedakah

Reinstating your fellow man's right to live with dignity. Helping those in need is not an act of kindness, but rather a moral obligation.

02. Advocacy

Proverbs 31:8-9, says to Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. Creating systemic level grounds to empower the others and provide an equal voice.

03. Empathy

Romans 15:9-16; providing a trauma informed person centered approach. Creating an environment of peace and healing to gain strength and encouragement. Always seeking to understand.

04. Transformation

Pursuing activities and methods to build sufficiency and self resilience in areas of lacking. Taking steps to advocate for the vulnerable and changing social structures to prevent injustice.

05. Community

Building spaces of community to decrease crime, poverty, broken families and homes. Increase collaboration, community involvement and accountability through serving others. “A rising tide raises all ships”